When it comes to uprising talents Peter Portman is the name that is getting established more and more into global scene with one hand into old and with one hand into new sound. Creating the fusion of both energy and emotion Peter Portman already in early age showed that he can be egoless and still competitive winning the regional MTV Adria DJ competition.
Playing risky he always leaves the dancefloor surprised and at the same time satisfied with his careful selection of house and techno music that embraces world culture through memorable grooves and melodies.
After burning all the bridges and stepping into his music career, Peter Portman starts his production name under different aliases as Petru & Little P where he still experiments with different genres. As a DJ his versatile techniques secured him a spot to play alongside with KiNK, Ten Walls, Darius Syrossian, Victor Ruiz, Nick Curly, Philipp Straub and many more.
His most notable releases on Patent Skillz, Parabola, Neptuun City and many more were played by the likes of UMEK, Wax Worx, Sam Paganini, John Belk, Calavera & Manya just to name a few.
Focusing on music selection and production, Peter Portman, is the name to look for in years to come.
Winner of MTV's Clash of the DJ's2013
Winner of Burn Residency Ibiza 2016 Mixoff - Serbia
Digital & Social Media Links:
●Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/peterportman93/about/? ref=page_internal
Peter Portman bio (Serbian-Srpski)
Kada govorimo o talentima u usponu, Peter Portman je ime koje je sve više i više uključeno u svetsku muzičku scenu, ostavši napola u starom I zakoračivsi napola u novi zvuk. Stvorivši fuziju energije I emocije, Peter Portman je potvrdio, još u ranom dobu, da može stajati čvrsto na zemlji, ali ipak posedovati i takmičarski duh. Jedan od njegovih uspeha je pobeda na regionalnom MTV Adria DJ takmičenju.
Vrteći smelo on uvek iznenađuje publiku na podijumu i istovremeno ih čini zadovoljnim zahvaljujući pažljivom odabiru haus i tehno muzike koja objedinjuje svetsku kulturu kroz nezaboravni zvuk i melodiju.
Nakon otklanjanja svih prepreka i uplivavanja u svoju muzičku karijeru, Peter Portman zasniva svoje produkcijsko ime iza pseudonima kao sto su Petru i Little P tokom čega jos uvek eksperimentiše sa žanrovima. Kao DJ, njegove različite tehnike su ga dovele do toga da radi rame uz rame sa KiNK, Ten Walls, Darius Syrossian, Victor Ruiz, Nick Curly, Philipp Straub i mnogim drugim kolegama.
Njegova najzapaženija izdanja Patent Skillz, Parabola, Neptun City kao i mnoga druga podržana su od strane UMEK, Wax Worx, Sam Paganini, John Belk, Calavera & Manya itd.
Koncentrišući se na muzicki odabir i produkciju, Peter Portman je ime koje ce biti traženo u narednim godinama.